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Praetor posted a comment on Tuesday 24th July 2007 3:06pm

"She is a naive little girl who seems to have very little idea of how the real world works."

Right back at ya! Spare me your righteousness. She helped her brother contact a few strippers (NOT whores) for a typical stag party and even warned them which ones where in a relationship. She did absolutely nothing wrong!!! This is all standard so far.

That Ron actually hires them with Harry's money...isn't her fault. That they are whores...she didn't know. That her brothers can't control themselves...nothing to do with her. That what she thought professional strippers breaking the deal...unfortunate.

Next time you want to bash Ginny or any other character, at least make some good excuse. And this is something that is personal difference, but what Ron did (buying a broom) and what Hermione suggested (lying to Harry), is far worse. I wouldn't forgive them for that.

Don't get me wrong I liked the story. But portraying Harry and to a lesser degree Fleur and Hermione in a very favourable light and the rest as stupid monkeys is dragging the story down.

Infin1x posted a comment on Monday 23rd July 2007 9:11pm

Even if it didn't end up as Harry/Fleur it was a very nice friendship piece.

kate19 posted a comment on Monday 23rd July 2007 1:41pm

nice peace of fanfic!! very nice!!

Bukama Stealth posted a comment on Monday 23rd July 2007 12:19pm

For a moment there I thought this would become a Harry/Fleur/Hermione fic.
Mostly because Fleur saw the reason why Hermione is Harry's friend and knows ythat she's found a true friend, like Harry.

Are you going to continue with this?

You could still do the pairing if you wanted... Heck Harry could make the same comment Hermione made when Harry 'mis'reads the look Fleur's giving Hermione.
Just a thought.


Kortir posted a comment on Monday 23rd July 2007 11:52am

I would love to see this one continued. There are very few Harry/Fleur fics of any real quality, and I love the setup. It's great to see you up and posting stories again regardless, but this is one of the few pairings that is hard to find a good novel-length story about. (Harry/Luna is my other favorite like that) I agree, by the way- marriage contracts aren't that great to write, and I also find they are too often a cop-out to pair unlikely characters or pull together a harem. I applaud you for being able to pull off the pairing without needing that sort of thing.

Chris1 posted a comment on Monday 23rd July 2007 2:06am

Interesting. I will have to re-read it to get the ending, I think.

Very nice piece, though. Thanks.


Patches posted a comment on Monday 23rd July 2007 12:29am

This was very well done. Harry has tried to help his friends and family and Unfortunately, a wild stag night fouls it all up. Harry is human and male but his natural nobility wins out. Even though he has second thoughts after Fleur leaves. Very realistic and very well done. Thanks for writing. pms

Ken Warner posted a comment on Sunday 22nd July 2007 8:44pm

excellent and mature story - I thoroughly enjoy stories where the characters deal with things rationally. emotions are important, but they can't be the ONLY reason we act. - great characterizations and dialogue - thanks so much for sharing.

maxlimit posted a comment on Sunday 22nd July 2007 8:10pm

One minor nitpick...

Ginny only mentions that Bill, Remus and Ron are attached

I warned them that Remus, Ron, and Bill were in relationships, and they promised they’d go easy on them.

Which makes the following lines illogical.

She smiled faintly at his shock. "She wanted to help Ron organise a party to be remembered, and didn’t know that they were whores. She also thought that they would accept her word that you, Remus, and Bill were not to be touched."

That aside, this is a pretty good piece, though the last part where Hermione wrangles the prophecy out of Harry seems rather forced.

That aside, in response to one reviewers comments on the Weasleys being OOC with regards to spending Harry's money, one should consider the fact that the Weasleys aren't exactly masters at managing their money despite their poverty

In book 3, instead of saving some of the money won from the wizarding lottery for future expenses, they spend most of it on a visit to Egypt.

Thus it is likely that given access to a large sum of galleons to do with as they please, they would become more extravagant, and indulge themselves.

(Another example would be how the twins splurge on dragonhide attire only after being in business for a few months , not exactly the most wise business decision.)

That said I hope that continue with this.

Ezra'eil posted a comment on Sunday 22nd July 2007 2:22pm

Lovely....This is a very good fic. Have you thought about a sequel.Maybe make it a bit more shippy?

warpwizard posted a comment on Sunday 22nd July 2007 2:08pm

This was a really good read. Fleur/Harry is a nice change of pace.

Jamey posted a comment on Sunday 22nd July 2007 11:07am

The thing that impressed me most about this story is that you refused to let "but I was drinking" be an excuse for anything It annoys me no end that deaths from drunk driving are considered as less than premeditated murder - someone picks up something they know will completely screw up their perceptions and find themselves unable to predict that this might result in something bad.

Kudos to Fleur and Hermione for not accepting the "but I was drunk" excuse. (However - for those knocking Ginny for not having grown up as much as Harry - well, she is *is* a full year younger than he is!)

GknightS posted a comment on Sunday 22nd July 2007 1:33am

this is wonderful. are you going to write more Harry/Fleur stories?

Kalen Darkmoon posted a comment on Saturday 21st July 2007 3:07pm

Great story. I like the Harry/Fleur pairing this appears to be shaping into. In fact, I like pairings of Harry with just about anyone but Ginny since her feelings for him were first and foremost rooted in his being the "Boy-Who-Lived". Harry deserves someone to love him for who he is, not for his fame/image. You've set this up quite nicely for Fleur to discover just how kind, loyal and strong he can be. One of my all time favorite fics is Hope and I'm happy to see you tackling the other Veela so-to-speak. ^.^

Harry has a lot to offer any woman in the world and first and foremost deserves a woman who truly loves him for who he really is; the reluctant hero who has had so very little love in his life.

Bedrup posted a comment on Saturday 21st July 2007 12:24pm

Good story. Hope you keep it going.

kirt30 posted a comment on Saturday 21st July 2007 10:26am

loved it, it didn't go in the direction i thought it would but it was a good read and i enjoyed it

Aberforth's Avatar posted a comment on Saturday 21st July 2007 6:48am

I quite liked your characterization of Fleur in this story. The relationship between Harry and Hermione was very satisfying as well. Thanks for giving us a little diversion while we all wait for Book 7 to be delivered.

Darke Gray posted a comment on Friday 20th July 2007 9:04pm

Wow, this was a great short story, I loved it, I too love the Harry/Fleur pairing and I think this story would be a good start to a longer story. Continue this and include Fleur in the Horcrux hunt instead of Ron, I think it could be a good story. Anyways, if you choose to continue it or not, I still think this was a great story.

AmeSuisei/AdronTaltos/CarlOort posted a comment on Friday 20th July 2007 8:56pm

very interesting..
I almost want to see this continued..
Though i would almost have to at least beg for a Harry/Luna matchup.. but thats just me..

crazyP posted a comment on Friday 20th July 2007 7:40pm

Great story
I look forward to your next posts
I'm so glad you didn't follow the challange, your story is so much better!!