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Noble Korhedron posted a comment on Monday 9th May 2016 11:39am for Watching Grass Grow

I don't know what no. reading this is, and I don't care; great story, a lemon would've been a nice bonus

Feno3000 posted a comment on Friday 4th March 2016 5:30pm for Watching Grass Grow

A nice story. Wonderful exercise in describing character growth and personality changes that give the figures so much more to be and to stand for. In an exciting way this little trip into OOC land has renewed my faith into the potential of the Potterverse, the things deeply hidden inside the stories, even if most of what you see rests on old clichés and too many times repeated flanderizations of the few points known about most of the people populating it. It's not JKRs world when you attack it in this way,, but it makes for a gorgeous story and an excellent reading experience. Thanks for sharing this vision with us.

keichan2 posted a comment on Tuesday 10th June 2014 2:57pm for Watching Grass Grow

Nice story!

I really liked reading it! (and the chapters’ titles! ;-p)

Thanks for sharing!

ILikeToRead posted a comment on Friday 18th January 2013 6:30am for Watching Grass Grow

What a fun story. I like how Harry was rather excepting of how life was and how the people around him made it so much better. Good interaction between Harry and Minerva. Thanks for sharing!

Nytefyre posted a comment on Wednesday 16th January 2013 5:34pm for Watching Grass Grow

Enjoyable pairing and interesting to see Harry cast the AK... as he's so often cast as St. HP.

Nope, not boring at all, and thanks for posting.

gara5289 posted a comment on Saturday 24th November 2012 5:50am for Watching Grass Grow

Oh and i forgot to mention, that was the single best Dumbledore I've read. That was ALL i wished he was in the books, instead he came across as either a manipulative ass or an incompentent moron.

gara5289 posted a comment on Saturday 24th November 2012 5:49am for Watching Grass Grow

You wrote a great Ron and Hermione. A lot of people fail at writing them (imo) when they aren't part of the 'golden trio'. You made them interesting, unique and still fit in with Harry.

Araytigre posted a comment on Wednesday 24th October 2012 5:28am for Watching Grass Grow

This was Good and engaging. Here we have an intelligent Harry (not that he's never Stupid at all) that uses his intelligence for the betterment of all he loves and his friends. The only real bashing is with Draco, which for the most part is a given. The Harry grows before us, not because he needs to, but because he wants to, and being with Padma is the incentive to do so. He is almost "Super Powered" (the stunner "ticked", and the crucio didn't bother him at all, which was interesting in its self), and it didn't surprize me that he was able to use Tom's wand, due to it being the brother to Harry's. Now comes life, until the next idiot sticks his/her head up. Thank You. TTFN

gara5289 posted a comment on Saturday 28th July 2012 5:37am for Watching Grass Grow

I'm not really a fan of Dark Dumbledore's (even if his stupidity lends itself to that) and i thought that the conversation in the beginning was fantastic. It encompassed all i wished Albus to be in the books.

valdiusmacto posted a comment on Friday 8th June 2012 6:56am for Watching Grass Grow

That was a very strange mixture of quirky and awesome. I'm amazed at how well you made the pairing work, and I'm even more amazed at how well your highly unusual finally battle seemed to flow. Zen Harry is intresting!

Normally I include a little bit of criticism, the constructive kind, in every review I write. The simple truth however is that I can't think of a single thing to criticize! This is only the second time in years and years of review that that has happened.

All I can really say is I wish it had been longer! Well, that and reiterate that it was truely exceptional.

Farwalker posted a comment on Wednesday 7th September 2011 4:36am for Watching Grass Grow

I really enjoyed this fic. Nice to see an intelligent, mature Harry.

kano54 posted a comment on Tuesday 5th April 2011 9:37am for Watching Grass Grow

this was very good it felt like it had meaning.
thank you for writing it.

nate_hy posted a comment on Monday 28th February 2011 1:52pm for Watching Grass Grow

I would have prefered a final chapter that continued to ignore Voldamort entirely.
That being said, BRILLIANT!

King Darius posted a comment on Friday 28th January 2011 3:27am for Watching Grass Grow

i liked the first two stories, but this one came off as extremely melodramtic and preachy, a complete letdown.

LordSia posted a comment on Thursday 9th December 2010 3:21am for Watching Grass Grow

I particularly like the whole "Destiny/Wheel Of Ages" feel you had.
Good job., great fic.

selonianth posted a comment on Sunday 8th August 2010 2:47pm for Watching Grass Grow

Pretty good, though distressingly short.

loretta537 posted a comment on Friday 23rd July 2010 10:07am for Watching Grass Grow

this was a good story

Riegert8 posted a comment on Sunday 3rd January 2010 11:22pm for Watching Grass Grow

This is a good story, but there one thing that don't make sense. Parvati was having sex Draco, Draco would a Dark Mark on his arm. So the Dark Mark would be hard to miss, So I will think that Parvati would seen the Dark Mark since it can't be hidden by magic. The Dark Mark only only disappear when Voldemort is gone

TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Friday 27th November 2009 1:49pm for Watching Grass Grow

Very good story, really enjoyed it.


Ezra'eil posted a comment on Wednesday 28th October 2009 3:34pm for Watching Grass Grow

I think you should write where Harry passes on the torch, so to speak. It would be a unique perspective on things. Would Harry be as reluctant as Dumbledore? Who knows...