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Perfect Slytherins - Tales From The Third Year was updated on 16th Jul 11

Status: Completed - Rating: Everyone - Chapters: 3 - Word count: 45,900 - Genre: Action/Adventure, General, Humor

Also available as: Epub | txt | pdf | mobi | lit

After two years of watching from the outside, Severus found himself being drawn in to the Addams family.

No longer an outsider, Severus finds his world changed, as a destiny far greater than any he had ever imagined is offered to him.

And so, he allows himself to be ensnared, finding that the middle road is far more exciting than the extremes of dark and light.

1 - Perfect Slytherins - Tales From The Third Year :: Part 1
Word count: 14,893 - Reviews: 107 - Rating: Everyone - Uploaded on: 24th Aug 10

2 - Perfect Slytherins - Tales From The Third Year :: Part 2
Word count: 11,011 - Reviews: 78 - Rating: Everyone - Uploaded on: 2nd Jul 11

3 - Perfect Slytherins - Tales From The Third Year :: Part 3
Word count: 19,996 - Reviews: 93 - Rating: Everyone - Uploaded on: 16th Jul 11