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Gardengirl posted a comment on Thursday 16th February 2006 5:35am for No Good Deed

Very interesting! A great Valentine's Day treat. I love the idea of Harry getting some good PR at last ~ it's about time :) Thanks for sharing!

margaret1 posted a comment on Thursday 16th February 2006 12:57am for No Good Deed

Likeable Cho - unheard of :)

I enjoyed it being written in the first person, it puts a different spin on the story.

Fate posted a comment on Thursday 16th February 2006 12:04am for No Good Deed

Excellant story!
Well doen!

phsname posted a comment on Wednesday 15th February 2006 10:52pm for No Good Deed

haha...that was a fun story...made me smile for nearly the entire duration i was reading it...

quine posted a comment on Wednesday 15th February 2006 7:28pm for No Good Deed

Chaos theory. I like it.

liquidfyre posted a comment on Wednesday 15th February 2006 6:35pm for No Good Deed

Damn good story unusual but in a good way. I am Not normally a cho fan not a hater but just not like her. This story however could Almost change that heh. Good work and keep it up.

PS oh yeah MORE HOPE

Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Wednesday 15th February 2006 6:16pm for No Good Deed

Great story. And I say this as one who normally avoids Cho fiction. In your story, I believe the difference is that Cho has matured and deserves Harry, or at least the Harry that I see in my head, no matter what is pure canon. I like the take charge leader type of Harry that you have written, and you did a good job of writing Cho to be a owrthy match to him.

Thank you for writing and sharing with us.

Musings of Apathy.

DJ posted a comment on Wednesday 15th February 2006 4:45pm for No Good Deed

I like it Cho takes a bit of a beeting in fanfic it is nice to see her be ok for once. As always you did it with style keep it up.

Julia Wang posted a comment on Wednesday 15th February 2006 3:44pm for No Good Deed

did you get the name from Wicked the broadway? And nice job by the way

Tarkas posted a comment on Wednesday 15th February 2006 11:45am for No Good Deed

Fun, Tim. I was originally going to say something about Cho being OOC, but then I realised that that's not true: in canon, she has very little real character to speak of (she's pretty, she plays Quidditch, she mourns Cedric, she's occasionally jealous and/or spiteful, and she's friends with Marietta -- not a lot there, really), so your version has as much credibility as any other, and one can see, at least partially, why Harry is interested in her -- these days, at least. She seems to have grown up into a young woman well worth his time.

Nice touch to have Cho as PR "expert" for the Boy-Who-Wishes-Everyone-Would-Stop-Bothering-Him-And-Let-Him-Get-On-With-What-He-Has-To-Do, and equally entertaining to see Dumbledore as both clueless that way and recognizant of his own faults.

I could go on; there are a lot of clever touches in this story, and I hope you enjoyed writing it as much as I think many people are going to enjoy reading it.

ginyginger posted a comment on Wednesday 15th February 2006 11:37am for No Good Deed

good story !!! GO jeconais !!!! update soon !

Abraxan posted a comment on Wednesday 15th February 2006 11:35am for No Good Deed

What a FUN story!! I really enjoyed it! What a treat! Thanks for writing it!


The Resident posted a comment on Wednesday 15th February 2006 11:12am for No Good Deed

As always a wonderful story. You've taken Cho in a whole new direction and made it perfectly believeable. You make all your characters believeable in all your stories. Your mastery of the printed word sucks people into your story and lets them (me anyway) actually feel as if they're a part of it. Maybe just sitting on the sidelines, but there. The memories I have from your stories are as real as any I have experienced in the real world. I always look forward to reading whatever you write.

PhoenixAnkaa posted a comment on Wednesday 15th February 2006 11:08am for No Good Deed

As much as I am not a Harry/Cho fan I really did enjoy this fic. I think what helped me to enjoyed it more was the fact you didn't mention Ginny or try to write her off in some way like I have seen tried hundreads of times. Thank you once again for sharing your amazing gifts with the rest of us.


kozy posted a comment on Wednesday 15th February 2006 11:04am for No Good Deed

hey great chapter...story. hope to see a lot more Harry and Cho fics.

Rick Gale posted a comment on Wednesday 15th February 2006 11:03am for No Good Deed

Nice one-shot. Has potential for further development, but stands well on it's own. Thank you for all your hard work and creative efforts. I could never be a imaginative as you and your fellow authors.

millercommamatt posted a comment on Wednesday 15th February 2006 10:37am for No Good Deed

I like how that dark elements of this story are woven with the light. I like how a dark, brooding Harry is easily thrown into contrast by Cho and Dumblebore with hints of TMW! type fun. Further, I'm glad to see the TMW! dances return. I know I'm not going to see the end of that particular story anytime soon, but the reminder made me smile.

I feel that Cho came on too strong in this story. I don't feel like her character was well enough established for her to jump right into Harry's life. Harry's internal monologues provide a sufficient explanation for Harry's acceptance, but... I don't know. For lack of a better term, there wasn't much foreplay. I know that you were probably trying to keep this story from exploding into another novel as your stories like to do. Beyond that one facet of the story, I was very entertained.

Since I brought up TMW!, let me say that I'm prepared to offer money to see the end of that story and I'll bet that I'm not the only one. I know that your writing has grown above and away from the roots of that story, but it was the one that lead me to your writing. I guess you could say that I’m motivated by some sense of nostalgia.

Tim, thanks for writing. I’m not an author, and I can give any dramatic insights into writing. However, I am a reader and I enjoy what you write. Keep up the good work.


sanghamitra posted a comment on Wednesday 15th February 2006 10:35am for No Good Deed

nice , good, now go update "white knight , grey queen " quick .....

Jim_xinu posted a comment on Wednesday 15th February 2006 10:02am for No Good Deed

I really like the shorter works you've done: this, Red & Yellow, Object Lessons, etc.

While I also love your longer works, it's really nice sometimes to read a shorter work that I can finish in a sitting.

I also like them for making text-to-speech audio versions for trips shorter than 20 hours (the audio length of WKGQ).


ShadeHawk posted a comment on Wednesday 15th February 2006 9:59am for No Good Deed

Nice idea, and nice a story. Although I do prefer Harry/Ginny.
